The 10 Objectives of a Safety Committee

In order to accomplish these objectives, the successful Health and Safety Committee should:

  1. Develop a written mission statement and charter.
  2. Clearly define the duties and responsibilities of officers and general members.
  3. Identify and prioritize goals and establish action plans to achieve each goal.
  4. Include representation from different levels and areas of the organization.
  5. Meet at least quarterly/monthly.
  6. Record and disseminate minutes of each meeting, documenting attendance, problems and issues and corrective action proposed and actions taken to address each issue.
  7. Make attendance mandatory with the penalty of removal for repeated absences.
  8. Develop methods to increase and maintain safety awareness.
  9. Organize special sub-committees to address specific issues and projects.
  10. Communicate the purpose, activities and accomplishments of the committee to all employees.

via Safety Committee Guidelines.

The 7 Reasons For A Safety Committee

Health and Safety Committees should be established for the following purposes:

  1. To increase and maintain the interest of employees in health and safety issues.
  2. To convince managers, supervisors and employees through awareness and training activities that they are primarily responsible for the prevention of workplace accidents.
  3. To help make health and safety activities an integral part of the organizations operating procedures, culture and programs.
  4. To provide an opportunity for the free discussion of health and safety problems and possible solutions.
  5. To inform and educate employees and supervisors about health and safety issues, new standards, research findings, etc.
  6. To help reduce the risk of workplace injuries and illnesses.
  7. To help insure compliance with federal and state health and safety standards.

via Safety Committee Guidelines.

Hazard Communication Required

Hazard Communication Standard

In order to ensure chemical safety in the workplace, information about the identities and hazards of the chemicals must be available and understandable to workers. OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) requires the development and dissemination of such information:

  • Chemical manufacturers and importers are required to evaluate the hazards of the chemicals they produce or import, and prepare labels and safety data sheets to convey the hazard information to their downstream customers;
  • All employers with hazardous chemicals in their workplaces must have labels and safety data sheets for their exposed workers, and train them to handle the chemicals appropriately.

via Hazard Communication.

The Top Five Types of Workplace Hazards


Your employees may be at risk of health hazards if their jobs include exposure to chemicals. Substances that can harm your workers include fumes, gases, liquids, solids, dust, vapors and corrosives. Whether your employees are at risk of ingesting the substance, inhaling it or absorbing it through the skin, you have a responsibility to ensure the risks are minimized. These types of hazards can be in any type of business you run, from manufacturing to retail.


Fire is a risk for your business, no matter what type of company you are running. The Seattle Fire Department Fire Prevention Division estimates 70,000 to 80,000 fires occur in businesses in the U.S. each year. Knowing where your fire extinguishers are, holding fire drills and informing employees of your emergency escape routes can ensure safety.

Repetitive Use Injury

When your employees repeat the same actions throughout the day, such as typing or rolling dough, or washing windows, they are at risk of repetitive use injury. The parts of the body that suffer from repetitive use are the back, shoulders, forearms, wrists and hands. Ensuring adequate breaks from job duties can reduce the risk of injury.

Electrical Hazards

People who work directly with electricity, including electricians and engineers, are at risk of injury; personnel who work with electrical equipment in the office are also at risk of injury. Even an office worker making a fix with power tools outdoors can sustain electrical injury during adverse weather. You can minimize the risk of injuries by using one extension cord or power strip per connection, keeping liquids clear of electrical equipment and conducting regular safety examinations.

Accidental Falls and Falling Objects

If your employees work at elevated heights, they may be at risk of accidental falls. Anytime objects are stored at or above head level, there is a risk of injury caused by falling objects. Wearing safety gear including a hard hat or harness, and installing guardrails or a safety net can reduce the risk of injury. Instruct employees on the safe use of equipment.

via The Top Five Types of Workplace Hazards |

Job Stress and Health

Stress sets off an alarm in the brain, which responds by preparing the body for defensive action. The nervous system is aroused and hormones are released to sharpen the senses, quicken the pulse, deepen respiration, and tense the muscles. This response (sometimes called the fight or flight response) is important because it helps us defend against threatening situations. The response is preprogrammed biologically. Everyone responds in much the same way, regardless of whether the stressful situation is at work or home.

Short-lived or infrequent episodes of stress pose little risk. But when stressful situations go unresolved, the body is kept in a constant state of activation, which increases the rate of wear and tear to biological systems. Ultimately, fatigue or damage results, and the ability of the body to repair and defend itself can become seriously compromised. As a result, the risk of injury or disease escalates.

In the past 20 years, many studies have looked at the relationship between job stress and a variety of ailments. Mood and sleep disturbances, upset stomach and headache, and disturbed relationships with family and friends are examples of stress-related problems that are quick to develop and are commonly seen in these studies. These early signs of job stress are usually easy to recognize. But the effects of job stress on chronic diseases are more difficult to see because chronic diseases take a long time to develop and can be influenced by many factors other than stress. Nonetheless, evidence is rapidly accumulating to suggest that stress plays an important role in several types of chronic health problems-especially cardiovascular disease, musculoskeletal disorders, and psychological disorders.

Health care expenditures are nearly 50% greater for workers who report high levels of stress.

-Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

via CDC – NIOSH Publications and Products – STRESS…At Work (99-101).

What is the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (National Registry)?

The National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners (National Registry) is a Federal program that establishes requirements for healthcare professionals who perform physical qualification examinations for truck and bus drivers. To become a certified medical examiner (ME) and be listed on the National Registry, healthcare professionals must complete training and testing on the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) physical qualifications standards and guidelines. The National Registry website is accessible to carriers, drivers, enforcement officials, and the general public.

All healthcare professionals whose scope of practice authorizes them to perform physical examinations, as defined by the State in which they practice,and who intend to  perform physical examinations and issue medical certificates for commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers to meet the requirements of Section 391.41 of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations (FMCSRs) must be certified and listed on FMCSA’s National Registry by May 21, 2014.

What Is Total Worker Health?

Total Worker Health™ is a strategy integrating occupational safety and health protection with health promotion to prevent worker injury and illness and to advance health and well-being.

The protection, preservation, and improvement of the health and well-being of all people who work are goals shared by workers, their families, and employers. Today, more than ever, there is increasing evidence that the work environment and the overall health, safety and well-being of the workers within it are strongly connected. Diminished health and injury, whether caused by work or resulting from non-work activities, reduces quality of life, opportunity, and income for workers and those dependent upon them. Conversely, workplaces with low risk of injury and enhanced opportunities for the total health of workers can lead to a vibrant, engaged and highly performing workforce.

via CDC – Total Worker Health What Is Total Worker Health? – NIOSH Workplace Safety and Health Program.

Common Hazards Found at Work

You’d be surprised how many common hazards can be found in workplaces.

  • Slips and trips: Anything lying around on the floor can cause a tripping hazard. Slips and trips can result in injuries such as strains or fractures.
  • Lifting: Lifting heavy items alone, or lifting items incorrectly, can cause serious and long-term back injury
  • Electricity: Electricity can kill in an instant. Always follow safety instructions on equipment.
  • Moving machinery: Make sure you stay behind barriers and avoid loose clothing which can get tangled in moving parts.
  • Fire: Depending on the environment, fire can take hold in minutes or seconds. Not only can it cause burns, but serious damage from smoke inhalation.
  • Working at heights: Falling from any height can result in serious injury and even death.

via NWP103A: Common Hazards.

Heart Attack Symptoms and Early Warning Signs

Knowing the early warning signs of heart attack is critical for prompt recognition and treatment. Many heart attacks start slowly, unlike the dramatic portrayal often seen in the movies. A person experiencing a heart attack may not even be sure of what is happening. Heart attack symptoms vary among individuals, and even a person who has had a previous heart attack may have different symptoms in a subsequent heart attack. Although chest pain or pressure is the most common symptom of a heart attack, heart attack victims may experience a diversity of symptoms that include:

  • pain, fullness, and/or squeezing sensation of the chest;
  • jaw pain, toothache, headache;
  • shortness of breath;
  • nausea, vomiting, and/or general epigastric (upper middle abdomen) discomfort;
  • sweating;
  • heartburn and/or indigestion;
  • arm pain (more commonly the left arm, but may be either arm);
  • upper back pain;
  • general malaise (vague feeling of illness); and
  • no symptoms (approximately one quarter of all heart attacks are silent, without chest pain or new symptoms and silent heart attacks are especially common among patients with diabetes mellitus).

via Heart Attack Symptoms and Early Warning Signs – MedicineNet.

The Medical Cost of Obesity

Study Estimates Medical Cost of Obesity May Be As High as $147 Billion Annually

The health cost of obesity in the United States is as high as $147 billion annually, based on a new study from RTI and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The study which appears online today in the journal Health Affairs, was released at CDC’s Weight of the Nation conference in Washington, DC.

The proportion of all annual medical costs that are due to obesity increased from 6.5 percent in 1998 to 9.1 percent in 2006, the study said. This total includes payment by Medicare, Medicaid, and private insurers, and includes prescription drug spending. Overall, persons who are obese spent $1,429 (42 percent) more for medical care in 2006 than did normal weight people. These estimates were compiled using national data that compare medical expenses for normal weight and obese persons.

via CDC Newsroom Press Release July 27, 2009.